Copyright 2008 - 2010

The following images are original works of Alexis E. Rodriguez (unless written as otherwise).
Use of any image without consent is strictly prohibited.

Figure Drawing and a sketch

Here's another figure and a sketch for an upcoming piece I'm working on.

A Figure

I went and decided to fill in the blanks from a figure I drew in the past.

Char. Design

Here's a simple character design. I attempted it without references to see how well I would do.

RE: Don't Sleep

My boy asked me to make it hot, and that I did.

Guerilla Tactics

Here's me again attempting to live out my career as a rapper. It ain't bad to be quite honest. Give it a listen.

Also, we finished the Dat Dooleh track. It's hilarious!

Contact Info

Thank you for viewing my blog. If you want to contact me you can find me on the following:

E-Mail -
AIM - misterguerilla
Skype - a.reezy.